Thursday, 2 October 2014

An open letter to 'Diversity'.

I hate the word ‘diversity’. It’s usually a lame attempt to whitewash any actual dialogue, because if you have a problem with an unjust status quo, and reject the ‘let’s all get along’ Cool Aid, then you have defined yourself as being against diversity, unicorns and rainbows.

In the last few weeks I have performed at Potchefstroom University, Nelson Mandela Bay University and the University of Stellenbosch, and do many corporate gigs, radio and TV interviews, and my own one man shows, all relating to this painfully weird topic. The problem is I am not certain what the way forward is.

I did comedy at Stellenbosch on the same day the university decided to let off the blackface people. Yes, my career is explosively ironic. I pointed out that us white South Africans seem to often opine that 20 years is enough to fix apartheid, but for some reason we don’t all think its enough for students to realize that we shouldn’t be putting shoe polish on our faces. Do we need a blackface patrol: “Groenewald, step away from the nugget”? And yes, Comrade Chester told me (I told myself, in case you haven’t gotten the hang of this ventriloquism thing) that the reason he and I were there is because this is the one place on earth where they let you off for blackface. I also said that diversity is another way of saying “the black people are coming”, because we all suspect where Stellenbosch University’s cultural normative setting is calibrated to.

Then again, the problem with this entire thing is simplistic narratives, which include simplistic narratives of black victims and white oppressors. I later found out that many of the people who initially chose the seemingly all white comedy at Stellenbosch ‘Diversity’ Week this year were Black (politically).

The problem with diversity discourse is that it usually excludes any real discussion of power and history. What it does is force through a socially acceptable solution that really just silences those without power. Diversity is a product of the post-94 Rainbow Nation rhetoric, of the discourse that Born Frees are becoming post-racial, and that us old (I am 37) bigots all just need to get over it.

The problem is that young people living in shacks with no opportunity of work are Born Free in the same way free range chickens are free, and the discourse that they are free is in many ways tantamount to apartheid denial. Don’t get me wrong, there is loads of evidence that also places much lack of progress strongly at the feet of the ruling party and their economic schizophrenia, but that’s only part of the picture, and racism towards the ANC is an old habit that’s easiest solved if acknowledged. My point though is that for myself, a white apartheid beneficiary to even begin talking about diversity requires us to look, with ruthless honesty, at why I am not the one living in a shack.

That being said, there are loads of places where kids and adults don’t have apartheid’s emotional baggage, but the truth is these environments are often very middle class, and often require huge degrees of obliviousness to real world dynamics. We can love each other in an historical conscious way, but just because you live in Ubuntuland doesn’t mean at all that you have really solved the problem.

Part of the problem is that normalized western culture, in which white people have had by far the most powerful say, disguises itself as ‘normal’, when in fact it is extremely culturally specific. That’s why angry activist types rant about whiteness hiding itself, because they are right.

To use a misogynist, but expressive phrase, the inability by many white South Africans to acknowledge their/our own privilege and footdragging about making it an essential part of the diversity discussion is cockblocking getting anywhere in this debate. If you have been watching, this is exactly what Helen Zille most needs to deal with in her denialist version of non-racialism.

In real terms this means that when I stand there in front of students of all races at one of these ‘diversity’ events I have to be hard on my own white privilege, and that of the audience, so that the discussion can continue. This gets awkward, because, while I would really, really like to have more chilled, relaxed fun humour about ‘diversity’, what I would effectively be doing is letting our whiteness off its sneaky hook. I, being a part of that system, cant afford to do that. A black comedian could, perhaps. However, I being a white guy saying this, with his puppet as a dramatic device (see last post for THAT discussion), do have a certain impact, because it can, maybe, create social pressure for other white people to be more reflexive… oh the halo that I bear.

So here’s my problem. At the one event a white lady with her “coloured” friend felt I had been too strong in dealing with the students’ white privilege. She said “I had my friend to help me understand that I benefitted [and am benefitting] from apartheid” (again see last post if you think this is at all in question. It isn’t.). In other words, we must be gentler on white people because then they are more likely to get it, as though black people haven’t been insanely tolerant enough already. And I am not condoning mindless abuse (trust me, I have had my fair share), or any sort of generalized idea that you can say anything about white people apart from the simple fact of privilege.

The trouble is, that’s exactly where this whole rainbow nation screw up started, people not being frank with white people that yes, political power has been opened up, but the conversation is far, far from over. The problem, as always, is that the more I say what white people are uncomfortable to hear the less they will want to listen, and the more I cushion it the less honest the conversation becomes.

Don’t get me wrong, there are loads of white people who completely get it right, in my head-up-my-own-ass-anthropological-opinion, but then again there are many who do not. In fact there are many black people who are also oblivious to how apartheid affected their lives, and who have mastered our prejudices well, ahem, Jimmy Manyi. And, no I do not feel guilty about apartheid, because it really wasn't my choice. How I respond to it, however, is. So, how do we drive a way forward that builds consciousness, but also builds reconciliation?

I had a senior DA politician tell me he agrees with my main drive, but that part of the problem is that white people are scared. Let’s call it the Oscar Pistorius Syndrome. The evidence is overwhelming that they don’t need to be scared, and to be honest how much time should we be spending reassuring a section of our population who has been getting special treatment for 350 years?

So, I still don’t know how to create reconciliation. I suspect it has something to do with ‘nation building’, but this is now way above my paygrade. Maybe I should become a veejay, because they seem to know fucking everything.

* As a footnote, I know Andile Mngxitama would say, its simple, reconciliation can only happen when we return what was stolen. I respect and in many ways buy that argument, if not the strategy, but with 6% the EFF can’t expropriate farms, they can just do timeshare.
* For those of you wanting to go on about ‘reverse racism’, watch this: